Ernest Benoit

Authentic Originals + Quality Covers

Gratitude List March 31

Gratitude List as we grind through ‘The Rona’ stay home don’t go anywhere everything’s closed scenario.

In no particular order:

I’m grateful that I’m healthy and my family has remained healthy during this Corona Virus scare (henceforth to be referred to as ‘The Rona’ as per Mo Factz).

I’m grateful that I have a full time job that allows me to keep the lights on around here and that I am able to work from home (stressful as it may be at times).

I’m grateful to Randy from Lamb of God for teaching me what a Gratitude List is.

I’m grateful to the local businesses who are being creative in finding ways to keep going with take out options etc, and I’m grateful that I’m able to help keep them going with my support. (Take out Beer Growlers.. who’d have ever thought that would be a thing…)

Thanks for reading evra-body. Keep the PMA and the Attitude of Gratitude!